Voya Financial
Worked from 01/09/2023 - 06/30/2023
Job Type
Full Time Internship
Java, JUnit
Back-End Development
At my time at Voya I worked on the backend of an application that displays information such as: retirement plans, their participants of those plans, the individual balances of the participants for each plan, etc. The slideshow below shows which parts of the website I worked on. I spent a good amount of time sorting each balance by different categories and populating a table and pie chart for the user to see. I also wrote unit tests for the code I added and tested them in Voya's testing environments.

I was very grateful for this opportunity. I learned how to develop code according to the software development life cycle, which of course, was so different compared to devolping on my own.

The team I worked with was very helpful by teaching me coding standards, locating where my code needs to go by following endpoints to microservices, how to locate errors using Chrome's DevTools, how to use git to switch branches, stash changes, deal with merge conflicts, how to document my progress on stories on the storyboard, estimate when my work will be completed, coordinating with the front end and quality assurance teams to complete stories.

My experience here has turned me into a more informed software developer and I intend to keep this momentum going as I continue my career.