EZ Attendance (Prototype)
Project Type
School Project
Typescript, ReactJS, NodeJS, PostgreSQL
Software Programming, QA Tester, Database Admin
EZ Attendance is an easy-to-use app my team and I developed for tracking attendance in classes. It was designed so that professors did not need to manage multiple attendance sheet for all their classes.

My contributions were: creating a local server that handles HTTP requests (such as registering/logging in a user), the backend and frontend for the app, and being 1 of 2 database admins.

Due to the time constraints and my teammates not having or having limited coding experience (We had different majors), they were in charge of researching, designing and testing the app.

EZ Attendance App

EZ Attendance App Server

The picture above depicts our ER Diagram for our database. We chose a relational database (PostgreSQL) because the information that we used when identifying our entities had many relationships with each other. It consists of 5 tables: students, professors, courses, professor courses, and stat tracker.
On the backend of the app, we use a locally run server to allow the frontend to request information from the database that will be used. Information used to connect with the database such as the user and password are hidden and instead, we use environment variables to input this sensitive information. After that, once the server is started, it connects to the database and logs the successful start of the server and the IP address it runs on. When the frontend makes a call to one of the server’s endpoints, like the “/login” endpoint shown below, it checks for the email and password. If they were provided, the database is queried and either returns the student information in JSON format or returns a “Student not found” message if a student with that email and password was not found.